At C.S. Lewis Academy, we enjoy a diverse faculty, many of whom have advanced degrees in their fields of study and many years of educational experience. Most importantly, every member of the CSLA faculty professes their faith in Jesus Christ and desires to care for students both academically and spiritually.
When I attended CSLA I was given the incredible opportunity to learn from teachers on a close, personal level. This gave me an opportunity to grow into myself, to find myself in a safe environment, and then to break free into the world.
Christian Blair ‘15 ~ UCLA
In comparison to my college classmates, I seemed to be more prepared in writing essays. I think my teachers in high school did a great job at helping me know what to expect when I got to college. I haven’t been surprised by anything since I’ve been here.
Halah Grobey ‘14 ~ Whitworth University
I absolutely loved being involved in the theatre program at CSLA. All of my fondest memories of high school came out of that time in my life.
Shelby Ambrose ‘12 ~ Colorado Christian University
C.S Lewis Academy has had a positive impact on my whole family. This is my 11th year being involved with the school and I firmly believe that is a nurturing environment for all students and their families.
Carrie Friedrich ~ Alumni Parent, Faculty Member
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1605 N. College St.
Newberg, OR 97132