C.S. Lewis Academy Blog

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I find it interesting that some people, especially our youth, can pack so much into their lives, while others with seemingly much less on their plate feel overwhelmed. I’ve had many students over the years decide not to try a sport because they...


I’ve been wanting to write this blog for some time.

 Professionally, I’ve spent over 40 years in education split between high school, small college and now K-12. This is a blog

aimed at the high school level student experience.

8 Tips for Supporting Your Child as They Return to In-person School

When schools closed across the country last spring, most of us never could have imagined just how long the distance learning would last. As our children transition back to in-person school, it’s a return to “normal” but not without some changes....

5 Ways to Help Middle School and High School Students Be Successful with Distance Learning

Who could have predicted that nine months after our governor shut down our schools, education would still look drastically different than normal?

Finishing the School Year Strong at Home

I think I can speak for most people when I when the Oregon governor announced late into the night on March 12 that all say that we were all thrown for a loop schools would close starting March 16 through March 31.  

This would later be extended twice...

10 Benefits of Small Class Sizes (Republished)

This blog was originally published in spring, 2019. We thought it was very appropriate to republish now. We are proud at how our teachers have been able to respond to the Covid-19 crisis, partially due to their small class sizes. The small classes...

Top 10 Positives That Have Come Out of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Unprecedented. Crisis. Weird. Strange times. These are all words that have been used to describe the COVID-19 pandemic. There is another word we would like to use - positives.

Adulting 101: Life Skills to Teach in High School

Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of teaching a freshman experience course at our local university. In the first few weeks of the semester, I love to start class by asking students to share a good, bad, or confusing thing that they...

Crock Pot to the Rescue - 5 Quick and Easy Meals for Busy Moms

Who doesn’t want to walk into the house after a long day and be welcomed home with the smells of a delicious dinner, all ready to eat?  Managing after school activities 

from the time the kids get out of school until dinnertime OR getting off work,...

How to Get the Most Out of Parent Teacher Conferences

It was our very first Parent Teacher Conference. We were beyond excited to hear what was happening at school in the life our new Kindergartner.

My husband and I arrived a few minutes early and waited until it was our time to sit down with our son's...