We have set the date -- May 14 -- for our annual auction and anticipate it to be back live and in-person ! The event will be supplemented with some online options, but we look forward to a fun and supportive evening with our CSLA community.
While we work out the options, our key goal now is to solicit key donations for the auction. Interested? Contact us at auction@cslewisacademy.com or give online using the button below!
Our auction planning starts soon after the prior year's event. We evaluate the past event, then look forward, setting themes and building our volunteer committees. Thanks to all those who are pitching in this year to make it a great event. If you have an interest in helping, please contact new Auction Chair Val Fitzgerald and/or Vice Chair Molly Robertson. They can be reached at auction@cslewisacademy.com
1605 N. College St.
Newberg, OR 97132