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Kim Eubanks

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Homework Tips for Middle Schoolers

Homework is certainly a dreaded task for most middle schoolers, especially if they have a lot of it. I would like to share 6 tips that have helped my middle school student tackle homework like a champ!

Back to the Manger - 5 Ways to Help You & Your Kids Keep Christ in Christmas

Christmas can be a very hectic time of year for many people. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, with parties to go to and shopping to do; even spending time with extended family can be stressful.

Helicopter Mom, Coming in for a Landing

Some might refer to me as a helicopter mom, hovering around the school, volunteering at every opportunity. Just to be close to my kids, in case they need me. Making sure the middle schooler has all his books and knows his homework assignments....

ADHD & Focus Problems:  Helping Your Child Succeed in School without Medication

ADHD, ADD, hyperactivity, inability to focus.  These labels are all well-known these days in schools, and amongst parents.  According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the number of children who have or have had ADHD is in the millions.

Five Tips to Help You Manage Work Life and Volunteering at Your Child’s School

Like many parents these days, I work a full time job Monday through Friday. I also love to be involved at my children’s school, as much as possible. I volunteer on the school board, drive a car pool vehicle to sporting events, help with the auction,...