C.S. Lewis Academy Blog

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Methods to Deal with  Sibling Rivalry

I grew up the oldest of four children: two girls and two boys. We all got along great. We were different from one another and had our own talents and interests, yet we also loved hanging out together, playing card games, jumping on the trampoline,...

5 Ways to Share Your Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is typically a holiday where people spend time with family and friends and remember the things they are thankful for. I have always felt like thankfulness should not be limited to just a single day! Here are some ideas our family has...

Helicopter Mom, Coming in for a Landing

Some might refer to me as a helicopter mom, hovering around the school, volunteering at every opportunity. Just to be close to my kids, in case they need me. Making sure the middle schooler has all his books and knows his homework assignments....

Hat Trick! 3 Ways My Child Won by Playing a Team Sport

Have you ever looked back over the last several weeks and suddenly become so impressed with the changes that have come about in your child?  This happens so unexpectedly but is always a welcome surprise! 

ADHD & Focus Problems:  Helping Your Child Succeed in School without Medication

ADHD, ADD, hyperactivity, inability to focus.  These labels are all well-known these days in schools, and amongst parents.  According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the number of children who have or have had ADHD is in the millions.

Time-Saving Meal Planning for School Families

So this is how we do meals at our house. While I wish I could take credit for this, I got it from a book. I believe it was by Emilie Barnes. I only wish I'd known about it when I was growing up; I remember my mom agonizing over the menu plan &...

How to Make Your Family Vacation Educational

It’s summer time and many families are planning time away from home for quick or extended vacations. In addition to our planned vacations, my husband travels a fair amount for work and we are sometimes able to turn some of his business trips into a...

10 Summer Activities That Can Prepare Your Child For Kindergarten

As my baby finishes up her year in Kindergarten, I’m feeling especially nostalgic and remembering back to all the fun I had with each of my four kiddos before the commitment of school. These memories of spending all day together get me especially...

The Art of Being Competitive While Losing with Grace

The perpetual sports season continues. March Madness has concluded, the Stanley Cup will soon be hoisted, the NBA playoffs are here and baseball is in full swing. Several weeks ago the Winter Olympics dominated the airwaves, as they do every four...

Breakfast Ideas for Quick Mornings

I’m not a morning person, never have been, never will be.  So rallying three kids for school in the morning and getting something decent into their stomachs can be a challenge.  

They’re tired of cereal. They’ve had their fill of frozen breakfast...